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Rare Lotus Flower Variety Blooms in Puzhehei


As the temperature gets higher and higher, tens of thousands of tourists came to Yunnan, which is known as the place where spring stays, with temperatures between 16 degrees and 27 degrees Celsius on average in summer. Hustle and bustle have back into Yunnan’s hundreds of scenic areas, among them, Puzhehei is definitely one of the hottest destinations. People have always been drawn to dreamy places, and Puzhehei perfectly suits the topic with its ts Karst landscape with abundant lakes, mountain peaks, caves, and valleys.



Puzhehei, a place as beautiful as Guilin with Karst’s geographical landscape, is an ideal destination to enjoy some cool air on hot summer days in Yunnan. In the Yi group’s language, “Puzhehei” means a lake with countless fish and shrimps, which also indicates that this is a highly livable place. In summer, endless water lilies and lotus leaves are connected and spread among the picturesque rivers and mountains of Puzhehei. Boating relaxingly in the river, enjoying the tender breeze, and appreciating the scenery, you will enjoy a peaceful summer in Puzhehei.


What makes Puzhehei more attractive is that this year, a Rare large-sized Versicolor lotus flower featuring a unique combination of red and white with about 70 petals was spotted in full bloom in Puzhehei scenic area. In combination with other varieties of lotus flowers, the rare lotus flowers help to form a poetic-like summertime vista inside the Puzhehei scenic spot in Qiubei county. The scarcely seen lotus species is endemic to the region, according to the China Lotus Research Institute in Wuhan, the capital city of central China’s Hubei Province.



With such beauty of nature, one could boat and get close to the bosom of the clear water and green mountain peaks. The traditional canoe of the local Sani people is no more than 3 feet wide, merely spacious enough for 5 people. But it sails fast in the water. As the canoe sails forward and makes its turns, varied views come to meet visitors' eyes. The water is so clear that one feels like giving it a light touch and taking a sip. Or one would like to leave the canoe lingering amidst the expanse of clear water or green lotus leaves, fishing or simply lying down and enjoying oneself. Joyful and relieved, the visitor is surrounded by the fragrance of lotus flowers and all of nature. 



Photo Resource: Unsplash

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