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Yiwu Tea Growing Area

Yiwu is divided between the north and south into two large tea growing districts. The northern section is known as the Mania district, while the southern is known as the Yiwu district. Major tea producing villages in the Mania area include: Xujia Liangzi, Zhangjia Wan, Dingjia, Yangjia, Yao ethnic Dingjia, Wangong, and Yishanmo. Tea producing villages in the Yiwu district include: Mahei, Luoshui Dong, Gaoshan, Manxiu, Yibi, Daqi Shu, Sanhe She, King of Tea Trees, Tianba, and Guafeng. Mania and Yiwu teas possess slightly varying fragrances, but they both possess Yiwu's characteristic aroma of sweet fragrance with butyric acid. Mania tea, however, adds a very subtle glutinous rice-like fragrance.



Tea prices for these Yiwu villages are related. Reference prices are generally based on those of Mahei and Luoshui Dong. Large tree tea prices are highest in Guafeng and Dingjia, but differences in prices are less than 15%. Although Banzhang tea prices are the highest in the market, Banzhang is only a single village. On the other hand, Yiwu contains nearly 12 villages. In terms of overall market production, it likely takes the lead.



In recent years much of the large tree tea has weakened in flavor, but small numbers of mixed forests still maintain a relatively high quality. Yiwu taidi tea is primarily centered in tableland surrounding the village of Tianba. The area known as "Old Taidi" around the town of Wuyi contains the oldest tea trees and commands the highest prices. Not counting new taidi growing areas planted in recent years, Yiwu still contains ten production teams. Among them, the Yiwu Old Taidi area lies at the highest elevation. The rest gradually drop in elevation in order of production group, from the tenth to the first. The ten production groups arc basically delineated in elevation by the height of terraced fields Taidi tea prices are primarily based on prices for Tianba. These resources usually make up the main sources of raw materials for large tea factories.



Recent worldwide agricultural price increases are inextricably linked to abnormal global climate conditions. This combined with changes in consumer market attitudes has provided the preconditions for large tree tea price increases. The Yiwu tea growing region will continue to play an indispensable role, inheriting hundreds of years of history. In the hearts and minds of tea drinkers its position as a tea mountain will be even more prominent and important.



Reference:Umi Tea Sets

Photo Resource: Internet

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