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Potatso National Park in Shangri-La


Potatso National Park (Pudacuo National Park)is a

1,300-square-kilometre national park in

Shangri-La country, Yunnan province in China.



 It incorporates the Bita Lake Nature Reserve and the Duhu Scenic Area 

in the Hongshan region.

As such they are part of the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan

Protected Areas World Heritage Site.




The Potatso National Park is  between 3500 and 4159 meters above sea level, and there are abundant animal and plant resources here.





The national park is 22 km away , about a 50-minute drive from Zhongdian.

It has two lakes, a visitor center, several interesting minority villages,

lush forests and pasture views. 








Photo Resource: Internet

Content: Baidu

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