Recently, the international epidemic of COVID-19 Epidemic has become increasingly serious. In order to provide a better language services for the prevention and control of foreigners' epidemic situation, the Ministry of Education and National Language Guide Beijing Language and Culture University have developed the "A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages". The multi-lingual video and online inquiry system include daily precautions during the COVID-19 outbreak, entry Precautions during the COVID-19 outbreak and etc.
1. Daily precautions during the COVID-19 outbreak (Korean, Japanese, Persian, Italian, Arabic, English, Vietnamese, Thai, Cambodian, Malay)
2. Entry Precautions during the COVID-19 outbreak (Korean, Japanese, Persian, Italian, Arabic, English, Vietnamese, Thai, Cambodian, Malay)
3. Facilitates communications between doctors and foreign patients (Korean, Japanese, Persian, Italian, Arabic, English, Vietnamese, Thai, Cambodian, Malay)
4. A Guide to Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages (Korean, Japanese, Persian, Italian, Arabic, English, Vietnamese, Thai, Cambodian, Malay)
Article recourse:Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Yunnan Province