
Polish Days in Kunming

Polish Days in Kunming is the first large scale festival of Polish heritage and culture in Yunnan Province. Organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chengdu, and held simultaneously at the Yunnan Provincial Museum and Artime Gallery, it aims at introducing the country of Poland, with its abundant natural beauty and rich culture, to the people of Southwest China. It invites you on a journey into the diversity of Poland’s landscape, from the magnificent Baltic Sea in the North to the enchanting scenery of the Tatra Mountains in the South, gives you a chance to taste millions of years of history encapsulated in the beauty of amber and provides an insight into the unique character of Polish art.

(Image Credit: web)

Content of the Festival: 

  1. Amber jewellery exhibition
  2. Photos and posters from Poland at Artime Gallery
  3. Graphics from 12 Polish artists and some jewellery exhibits at the Yunnan Provincial Museum

Exhibition (amber, posters, photogrphy)

Time: May 15th – May 21st, 2017

Address: Artime Gallery (彩云里), No. 128, Shulin Street, Xishan District, Kunming


Polish Days in Kunming: Photography and Design Exhibition (From Baltic Sea in the North to the Tatra Mountains in the South)

Time: May 18th – June 18th, 2017

Address: Yunnan Provincial Museum, No. 6393, Guangfu Road, Kunming


Main Organisations: 

Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chengdu

Yunnan Provincial Museum

Artime Gallery