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Donglianhua, a historic and cultural Muslim village

Donglianhua village is situated on the west bank of Xihe River, Yongjian Town of Weishan County. It was first established in Hongwu Period (1368-1398) when Zhu Yuanzhang the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) was on throne. 


With a long history, it’s a Muslim village with a well-preserved mosque, 5 turrets, 22 Muslim residential compounds of the Ming and Qing style. 


In 2005, Family Ma’s architecture complex was listed among those key relics under protection of Weishan County and was further denominated in May 2006 as “a historic and cultural village” by the provincial government of Yunnan. In October 2008, it was again entitled with “a historic and cultural village in China” by the State Relics Bureau of China.