
You should try these when in Yunnan


Yunnan abounds in wild edible mushrooms most of which are available in its capital city Kunming in the rainy season. For example, in the Wild Mushrooms Street in Guanshang of Kunming, you can find many restaurants specialising in mushrooms all the year round.


Rice Noodles

Rice noodle is most perhaps the most popular food in Yunnan Province. There are many ways for preparing it, and the favourite of most visitors to Yunnan is the Cross Bridge Rice Noodle which is served in a big pot in which the hot soup is prepared and sliced chicken, fish, pork go after, and finally the vegetables and rice noodle. 


BaBa (Pancakes)

BaBa in Yunnanese dialect is in fact pan cake. Several kinds of pancakes enjoy a very big fame because of the places where they are popular. In Yunnan Province, the top three kinds of pancakes are Lijiang Baba (Lijiang), Xizhou Baba (In Dali), and Guandu BaBa (in Kunming). If you are a foodie when traveling, why not try them? 


Cheese that is NOT alien to Yunnan

In most parts of Yunnan Province except the tropical zone in the south, the climate and a wide area of steppes has encouraged the growth of animal husbandry. Therefore, cheese is another popular food though many Chinese think it a little “smelly”. Ru Shan (milk fan) of Dali, Lunan feta of Kunming, and Yak-butter of Shangri-la etc, are all what you deserve to try!!