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Ethnic minorities of Yunnan


Yunnan has the most ethnic minorities in China, which make up about 1/3 of the province's population. Of China's 55 ethnic minorities, Yunnan is home to 25 (all of them exceed populations of 5,000), including the Yi, Bai, Hani, Tai, Dai, Zhuang, Miao, Lisu, Hui, Lahu, Va, Nakhi,Yao, Tibetan, Jingpo, Blang, Pumi, Nu, Achang, Jinuo, Mongolian, Derung, Manchu, Sui, and Buyei. Fifteen kinds of nations are peculiar to Yunan: Bai, Hani, Dai, Lisu, Lahu, Wa, Naxi, Jingpo, Blang, Pumi, Achang, Nu, Jino, De’ang, Dulong.

The residences of the ethnic minorities are various and characteristic; their clothes are colorful and distinctive; some of them have their own languages and writings. Last, but not least, they celebrate varied and colorful festivals. The most famous ones include the Torch Festival of Yi Nationality, the March Fair of Bai Nationality, the Water-splashing Festival of Dai Nationality, the Zongge Festival of Jingpo Nationality and the Knife Pole Festival of Lisu Nationality, etc.